I wrote a few sketches for a Tv show a couple of years ago. Here's one of the out-takes.
Grandson enters Nan’s front room. There is a man sat on the sofa with a cup of tea balanced on his knee. A silver haired man in his late fifties, a touch of the “care in the community” about him.
Grandson : Hello Nan .. (to man, inquiringly) Hello?
Nan : (clearly excited) Oh you’re just in time … this is Dennis. Remember I told you about him? He’s got the gift … he can speak to the other side!
Grandson : Wow! You’re a psychic?
Dennis : I’ve heard voices since I was a child. I always say .. it can be a gift .. or a curse. But we do what we can.
Nan : He’s gonna get in touch with my Sidney for me!
Dennis : Well we shall try Mrs Taylor … Remember, I can’t promise that we’ll get Sidney, we just have to make ourselves available to the spirit world and see what happens
Nan : Oh no, he’ll be here mark my words …… I can feel his presence already
Dennis : OK, well, we need to create the right ambience to encourage the spirits .. could you draw the curtains while I start my music.
Grandson (whispering) What’s happening?
Nana : (whispering) Shaddap! He’s creating an ambleance!
Grandson : I think he’s stopped breathing.
Nan : He better not have done, this is costing me thirty quid
Grandson : Thirty pounds?
Nan : Shat yer marf! Ere, look!
Dennis stirs from his slumber and sits bolt upright – TAPE FADES OUT
Nan : Sydney? … Sydney, is that you love?
Dennis : Howdy folks. Sure nice of y’all to ask me to join ya …
Nan : Oo the fack are you?!?!?!?
Dennis : Mah name is Silas Eugene Lewis The Third…
Nan : Lewis the third!?! What’s he talking about? Where’s Sidney?! (leans across to shake him) DENNIS! I THINK YOU GOT A CROSSED LINE LOVE!!!
Grandson : Nan, don’t touch him! It might be dangerous! Here. Let me talk to him – (addresses him in a loud and deliberate tone) WHERE ARE YOU FROM?
Dennis : I was born and raised in Memphis Tenessee …
Grandson : WHAT – DID – YOU – DO – THERE?
Nan : What you talking like that for? He’s facking dead not deaf!
Dennis : I lived on the farm with mah mah and mah pah … and they raised me right, to act like a gentleman and to always work hard and pay mah way and
Grandson : Wow! Was you a cowboy?
Dennis : Well you could say that little feller. We had a few cattle, a little livestock. Ah worked on the farm all the hours of the day that God would send … corn …. Barley …. Wheat … squash
Nan : (who has been looking increasingly unimpressed) Ere, I got a question (adopts the same deliberate loud tone of grandson) Ere, gobshite – What - have - you - done – with - my – husband?
Grandson : Nan!
Nan : Well! I arsked him for Sidney and we get Jerry Lee Fackin Lewis!
Nan : Ooh, hang about …
Dennis : (blinking his eyes open) Oh … Did Sidney come through Mrs Taylor? Did he speak to you?
Nan : Oh he did love! Clear as a bell! Wonderful it was, wonderful, oh you have made me so happy I can never thank you enough son …
Dennis : Oh I’m so glad because you know I did say I cant always control who comes through ..
Nan : Oh no it was my Sidney all right, don’t you worry about that … I couldn’t mistake that voice anywhere ….
Dennis : What did he say?
Nan : Oh, he said he was very happy and he said that heaven was wonderful and he’ll be waiting up there for me when it’s my turn … oh it was wonderful Dennis, what an amazing experience
Dennis : Oh I am so glad Mrs Taylor – well, I’ll best be off. It does take it out of you y’know, I think I’d best get back home and have a nice lie down..
Nan : Yes you get back to the home love, you have nice rest … Here you go – (gets her purse, gives him a handful of tenners – he says his goodbyes and leaves)
Nan : WHAT A FACKING LIBERTY! The cheating conniving twisting little charlatan! Psychic my old arse! He must think I fell off a facking Christmas tree! And you! You were no use – sitting there grinning like a simpleton while THAT twisting robbing bastard takes advantage of a poor old pensioner! Oh I don’t think I’ll ever get over this!
Grandson : Come on Nan, don’t get upset …I’ll make you a nice cup of tea.
He goes into the kitchen and starts assembling cups, milk etc. We see Nan tip-toeing up behind, stifling a giggle.
Nan : “WOOOOOOOOHHHH!” (cackles manically)
I facking love it Russ.....get back to it and finish off! (that's what she said!)
ReplyDeleteI facking love it Russ, get back and finish it off!!